Dear Citizens,
There is little doubt that most of the questions and inquiries I
receive regularly (from far and near) are related to the Ring of Fire developments. Optimism abounds as many key indicators suggest that this economic opportunity is going to impact significantly on the regional economy. The recent turnout of the large public gathering at the information meeting held in Nakina on February 18th bears out that the area residents are keenly interested in these developments.That Canada is seen as rounding the corner on the recession, the strength of the loonie on international markets, the recovery and improved stability on the Canadian stock markets and current commodity pricing, are some indicators which will positively and directly influence mineral development and investment in the Ring of Fire.
- The appointment by the Ontario government in the 2010 budget speech of A Ring of Fire Secretariat to lead our collective efforts to advance the area’s economic promise
- The province announcing the reduction of electricity prices by almost 25 per cent for large industrial users
- The announcement by the province contained in the budget announcements that “We’re investing $45 million over three years for a new skills training program to help Aboriginal Peoples and northern Ontarians benefit from jobs in the Ring of Fire region.”
Several weeks ago, I was uncertain that the key provincial ministers may not understand the extent of the opportunities in the Ring of Fire. I am more reassured but I’ll continue to influence when opportunities arise. Watch for a new sign along Highway 584 with a logo (similar to one above), “The Ring of Fire Highway.”
I was pleased that Council supported the motion to help promote Greenstone by tagging our location to the Ring of Fire area and related developments. We will all be hearing lots of continuing ‘buzz’ about the developments to our north. Our Council is taking steps to meet with First Nations leaders. A meeting is planned for next week with Chief Sonny Gagnon and His Council. While at NOMA in Marathon, there was an opportunity to speak with both the Minister Gravelle and His Deputy Minister. It was an opportunity to describe expectations face to face by stating, “the potential smelting of the extracted ore must occur in Northwestern Ontario and that the energy requirements must be in place to enable industry to be competitive and to sustain a refining operation in Northwestern Ontario.” While at NOMA in Marathon last week, the following Resolution reads in part: “that the Little Jackfish hydro-electric project be designed to provide sufficient power to upgrade the existing line from Beardmore to Longlac TS and Nakina and to power the future line to the Ring of Fire.” Nakina couldn’t be in a better location.
Council also recently gave full support for the following motion: “THAT the Municipality of Greenstone partner with the City of Thunder Bay and Partners for an Economic Impact Assessment of the Development and Operations of the McFaulds Lake Chrome Project (Ring of Fire area) to be conducted by Doyletech Corporation of Ottawa.”
On April 29th, I attended a presentation in Thunder Bay with Globe and Mail Journalist and 2009 winner of Canada’s National Business Book Award - Gordon Pitts. The Key Topics were:
· Canada’s Global Economic Outlook - After the Global Recession
· Strategic Advantages of NWO to the Global Economy
· Natural Resources – Key to Growth
· NWO in 2015 - Critical to Ontario’s Future
Council supported a motion I introduced to table the motion that would have sought support to accept and award a tender for Airport Operation Services at the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport for one year to the Thunder Bay Airport Authority. In January, I requested information related to the operations and management of our airports. Council has not yet had the opportunity to be fully review this material. Of primary importance to me, is that the operations at our airports and particularly at the ER Ruddick airport, not be compromised and that they will serve well, all of the carriers and businesses using this airport.
Cost estimates are being prepared for an “Airside Business Park Development” at the Elmer Ruddick Airport consisting of 6 commercial lots. Inquiries have already been received from business considering leasing lots at both municipal airports. I am optimistic that Council will support this development in Nakina. This capital project is in the mix of all the capital considerations. Council has now met for three days in budget deliberations.
An A.C.A.P. announcement related to the E. Ruddick Airport should be made within the next few weeks. “THAT on the recommendation of the Airports Manager and with the approval of the Director of Public Services, an invoice for EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. for the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) Application and Preliminary Design for the Runway Rehabilitation, Lighting Upgrade and Auxiliary Power Generator for the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport in the amount of $19,800.00 plus GST be approved for payment as per By-Law10-05.” If successful, Transport Canada will cover 100% of the estimated $3,946,939.00 project costs.
A Tourism Intern is expected to be hired as the interviewing process is now complete. A recommendation to Council is expected to arise from the Tourism Steering Committee before the end of this week. 50% of the wage and benefits of this position are coming from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation. As chair of the committee, I will be encouraging a transition from a one year internship, to a longer term position. A video shoot in each of Greenstone’s wards, will help to better profile our municipal assets and events through the production of a Greenstone DVD and a series of television programs on major US television networks through the engagement of the “DimeStore Fisherman”. A tentative itinerary for a 5 day Greenstone video shoot from August 13th -17th has been prepared.
Approved by Council and on the recommendation of Nakina Sector Fire Chief Mike McCool, Byron C. Magiskan and Martin Lavoie have be appointed as firefighters with the Nakina Volunteer Fire Department effective March 8, 2010. The community appreciates your services.
The Northern Ontario Energy Credit will provide relief from higher energy costs incurred by low- to middle-income residents of northern Ontario with a new annual credit of up to $130 for a single person and up to $200 for families (including single parents). The credit will be reduced for single persons with adjusted net income of over $35000 ($45000 for families). The first 2 payments will be made in the fall of 2010.
The consideration of adopting a ‘Minimum Attendance Policy’ pertaining to Childcare at our Day Care facilities has resulted in strong support from Council not to adopt the policy at this time and to put it on the back burner. The draft policy came forward again to Council in April that described a set of processes that would result in the closing of a day care if the minimum attendance was not sustained for three consecutive months. At the end of this 3 month period, parents would then be given 60 days notice that the center would close. I was supportive of the decision to not adopt and implement this policy. I anticipate that there will be a continued need for child care services in the near future.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power