Greenstone is pleased to welcome Brent Henley to assist in further unlocking Greenstone’s tourism potential. Mr. Henley joins us as the successful “Tourism Intern” candidate for a one-year internship. The Municipality of Greenstone captured $27,500 through an application to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation to access the Northern Ontario Youth Internship and Co-op Program. In early May, another $5000 from FedNor, through an Local Initiative Contribution was announced to support a marketing-promotion application to engage “The DimeStore Fisherman.”
This Tourism Steering Committee of Council has been assigned several responsibilities all linked to improved marketing and promoting of what has been identified as our Signature Assets.
Brent’s responsibilities will encompass:
· Market and promote Tourism Events & Attractions for Greenstone.
· Implementation of the recommendations presented to Council from the Steering Tourism Committee (February 2nd, 2009)
· Research possible relationships opportunities through regional promotion and marketing partnerships and compile a listing of potential promotional and marketing options to promote Tourism Events & Attractions in Greenstone.
· Identify all local volunteer organizations and their events.
· Assist local volunteer organizations in promoting their events through the community portal and other free media outlets.
· Promote all municipal signature events through news stories, the community portal and any other possible promotional means.
· Develop and distribute print and electronic brochures designed to market and promote tourism events & attractions in Greenstone.
· Create, maintain, distribute and promote a current schedule of tourism events & attractions.
It is expected that Mr. Henley will be highly visible throughout Greenstone as he becomes increasingly familiar with our Municipality and gets to know and interact with the residents in the hospitality and tourism sector. You are encouraged to contact Mr. Henley at:
or by phone at 853-0009
In a complimentary tourism initiative, Brent will also be promoting an engagement with Jim Hoey, “The DimeStore Fisherman” who will be coordinating a pan-Greenstone video shoot from August 12th-18th.