Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ad Hoc Tourism Report

The following report was presented to Council on February 2nd, 2009. A motion will be introduced next week to accept and adopt the report.



The Ad-hoc Tourism Committee recommends that Council adopt, by motion at the February 9, 2009 Regular Meeting, the following recommendations:

➢ THAT the Municipality of Greenstone be branded as “The Spirit of the North.”

➢ THAT the following 10 key points form the basis of improving tourism in Greenstone:

1. Promote current assets.
2. Enhance and promote the Greenstone community portal.
3. Enhance and promote recreational programming.
4. Define, develop, and grow partnerships.
5. Provide incentives for tourism.
6. Operate signature assets like we believe in them.
7. Use the cultural heritage framework that we have in Greenstone to build on.
8. Showcase local artisans.
9. Provide incentives for visitor tourism (e.g. develop a reward program for visitors) and encourage repeat visitors.
10. Where possible, revisit the business plans for some of these assets.

➢ THAT the Municipality initially concentrate on promoting hunting and fishing in the Summer months, and snowmobiling in the Winter months through the use of print and the internet:
AND THAT the local tourism partners be asked for input.

➢ THAT the following events be declared Signature Events in the Municipality of Greenstone:

o Major Golf Tournaments
o Caramat Fish Derby
o Nakina Annual Catch ‘n’ Release Bass Derby
o Geraldton Music Jamboree
o Geraldton Walleye Classic
o Geraldton Junior Walleye Classic
o Lake Nipigon Trout Hunt
o Longlac Snowmachine Drag Races
o Longlac Moosecalac
o Longlac Summerfest
o Annual Greenstone Loop Poker Rally;

AND THAT Council maintain support for the Signature Assets which support Signature Events, (e.g. the Community Portal, the Kenogamisis Golf Club, MacLeod Provincial Park, Tourist Information Centres, etc.)

➢ THAT the initial point of presence for the signature assets and events promotion, be the Manager of Leisure Services. As the partnerships are developed, the initial point of presence should be expanded.

➢ THAT Council consider changes to the organizational structure that incorporate a mechanism for developing, implementing and maintaining tourism strategies and reciprocal partnerships.

➢ THAT the role of the current recreation department be strengthened by expanding the program to include outdoor recreation, including cycling, hiking, birding, boating, hunting, golf and camping.

➢ THAT the tourism marketing and promotional potential of the Greenstone Community Portal be strengthened.

Funding Application for New Municipal Administration Building

Council has supported and given direction to initiate an application for infastructure funding that is intended to offset the construction costs of a new municipal administration building in Geraldton. At a Special Meeting of Council which focused solely on this matter, members of Council provided unanimous support for the motion which allows us to explore and determine our eligibility for infastructure funding. Through correspondence from the Director of the Superior Greenstone Board of Education, Council has been informed that B.A. Parker (as an option) is not for sale. Council is hopeful that the Municipal application would generate supporting revenue to cover 2/3 of the construction costs.