Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2010 Newsletter

Dear Citizens,

Thank you to all of the residents of Nakina who showed tremendous interest in their community, and to all of the residents who came out to vote in the October 25th Municipal Elections. I'm very appreciative of everyone who supported me in my re-election. I'm eager, refreshed, and am looking forward to working as a member of the newly-formed Council, and to continue advancing Greenstone's collective interests. The turnout at the inaugural meeting two weeks ago was very well attended with an air of optimism and revitalized interest.

There have been some important events over the past 3 months. The official signing ceremony forming a partnership between the Municipality and Aroland First Nations is of ongoing importantance in our joint economic interests related to the Ring of Fire. Quite simply, we want the same things, which are jobs and economic development opportunities that are linked to future mining and processing facilities. In early November, I attended the three day Canadian Aboriginal Mining Conference in Winnipeg. The largest Canadian conference in this format, “Seeking Consent, Seeking Resources” was very rewarding as I gained a deeper understanding of the necessary steps to get permissions for mining activities and exploration to take place on Treaty Lands. Our Greenstone booth was extremely well visited which displayed the Ring of Fire region to the north of Greenstone. The interest in the Ring of Fire is enormous and was discussed in several conference sessions.  

In mid November, a group of business people, GEDC staff and three members of Council travelled to the Red Lake area as guests of Red Lake’s Municipal and Economic Development staff. The site visit was organized and was funded through Greenstone Economic Development Corporation. The team was provided with a better understanding into the issues, challenges, and impact on a municipality like Red Lake, which it is being affected by new mining developments. Red Lake has seen a tremendous restart of it’s world class gold mines. Issues related to it’s airport expansion, housing, pressures placed upon municipal infrastructure, acquiring and zoning lands for development, opportunities and challenges, were all introduced to the 19 members of this delegation. A final report is being prepared by GEDC and will be released to the public. Lessons learned can be applied to Greenstone.

The Thunder Bay Municipal League Meeting on November 19 & 20th was valuable and informative and provided the first regional forum to meet some new faces in the Mayor’s Chairs, and to acknowledge the contributions made by outgoing municipal councillors and mayors. The first business meeting of the new Council occurred on December 13th with our second meeting held on December 20th.  I am planning to work with camp / home owners in the New Year to support them by seeking improvements to the Twin Lakes Road. If you’re interested in helping, please let me know.                                 
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at http://jay--daiter.blogspot.com/ The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation and comments / input is encouraged.
Holly & I both enjoyed recently attending the Senior’s & French Club Christmas get-togethers. Great community spirit. 

Wishing each of you a Festive Season filled with joy as you share with friends and family. Have a wonderful holiday.


Jay DaiterCouncillor, 
Nakina WardMunicipality of Greenstone

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jay Daiter
Nakina Ward Councillor

Thank you to Holly, all of the residents of Nakina who showed tremendous interest in their community, and to all of the voters who came out to vote in the October 25th Municipal Elections. 

I'm very appreciative of those friends who actively supported my bid for re-election, especially for their moral support and encouragement.

I'm eager, refreshed, and am looking forward to working as a member of a newly formed Council, and to continue advancing Greenstone's collective interests. Our voter turnout almost 70%!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Re-elect Jay Daiter for Nakina Ward Councillor

Re-elect Jay Daiter

Nakina Ward Councillor

Following two terms on Council as Ward Councillor for Nakina, I am running as your ward representative for a third term. There are challenges and opportunities that I am prepared to influence. I want to keep the momentum going, especially where Nakina is concerned.  This is not the time to drop the ball. Local activities associated directly with The Ring of Fire are of immense importance to growing our local economy. I am deeply committed to seeing the benefits of the early work and efforts which have begun.

Until I meet with you personally, you can download my election brochure
(You can easily make the pamphlet easier to read by using the zoom buttons at the bottom of the document page)

Some of the benefits provided to Nakina residents over my term on Council, are described in this document.

If you were unable to attend the Nakina Ward 'Meet the Candidates' meeting, you are encouraged to read my address to better understand my interests on your behalf.

I am asking for your vote as Nakina's Ward Councillor in the upcoming Municipal election on October 25th. Please note that you may vote in the Advance Polls beginning on Monday, October 18th at 9:00 a.m. I plan to stop by and talk with you to gain your confidence and support.

You are encouraged to contact me by:

home phone:      329-5804
e-mail:                jay.daiter@bell.net
My Blog            

I look forward to meeting with you during this election campaign.


Jay Daiter

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August - September Nakina Councillor Newsletter

Dear Citizens,

Another major investment at the E. Ruddick airport for airside development is underway. Building upon the increasing air traffic and fuel requirements associated with the Ring of Fire mining explorations to the north of Nakina, the Council will support a funding application request to the NOHFC. As the application is being developed, I expect that the plan will address an expanded apron, paved access to the eight lots, as well as the development of commercially available lots with support services. In the interim, discussions are continuing with three companies who have expressed interest in operating airside at the E. Ruddick Airport. All three companies wish to conduct their business at the E. Ruddick Airport commencing this fall. Property will be prepared that will be leased to them and which supports their business interests. Petro Value, Graham Energy and NorOnt are all aware of the development opportunities associated with their private business ventures that can be supported by allowing a larger airside lot as the overall project extends into next summer.

On August 9th, Council supported and approved the engagement of E.B.A. Engineering Consultant’s Ltd. to prepare a design plan for the R. Elmer Ruddick Airport expansion. At a cost of just over $18,000, the plan will generate the data the Municipality requires to more accurately identify the requirements when we complete and file the NOHFC application for funding to support this expansion. The scope of the project is expected to address the apron design, lighting, lot preparation and service installations, and service road access to 8 airside lots. The improvements to the Nakina airport are being made strategically and are expected to maintain and attract the interest of businesses and developers especially as the mining activity ramps up in the Ring of Fire.

Representation from Council was made to three Provincial Ministers in mid-August at the annual AMO Conference. Significant to improving the local economy were two meetings with the Minister of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry (Honourable Michael Gravelle) and the Minister of Energy & Infastructure (Honourable Brad Duguid) when they were presented with two briefs addressing electricity to The Ring of Fire.  Our request to both Ministers described in the briefs reads:
That the Minister take all actions necessary to ensure the construction within 3 years of a new transmission line from Cameron Falls to Nakina, in an already existing transmission corridor, to provide the electricity necessary to meet the electric arc furnace requirements at the Nakina site, And that the Minister work with the Premier and Cabinet to provide electricity costing for this project competitive with adjacent provinces.

Here is an extract from our briefs that invites optimism:
·       176 Miles – That’s how close the largest chromite deposits in the world are to the community of Nakina in the Municipality of Greenstone
·       These chromite deposits in the Ring of Fire have a life expectancy of 50 to 100 years at an extraction rate of 15,000 tons per day or 5 million tons annually.
·       Processing of the ore is initially projected to be done in Nakina using electric arc furnaces.
·       The development of the project could take another 6 years; however, the bulk of the construction work would probably occur over the next 3 years
·       This project will create 2,300 direct jobs over the 3 year period and cost more than $2 billion.
·       Estimated provincial tax revenues during the 3 year construction phase would be in excess of $ 414 million while annual provincial tax revenues would be in excess of $112 million for every year of operation.
·       The project will provide incredible economic benefits to our region and the province.
·       First Nation organizations are adamant that the ore be processed / refined in their area for the benefit of the people in that area – not for the benefit of others elsewhere, either in, or out of the Province.

Two streets in Nakina in need of restoration and resurfacing, will be completed this fall. The section of Ontario Street which was excavated late last summer, is one street which has a very poor road base but will be restored.  Main Street will also be repaved following the required work to address the upgrades to the water lines. Local roads which are high on the list of restoration also include the area of the min-sub (Aspen Drive, Manaham Bay, Mackie Drive, Balkham Rd.) and Center Street.

The Nakina Volunteer Fire Department will soon have it’s new Rescue Unit Vehicle as it is being retrofitted with the necessary new equipment. The total cost of the rescue vehicle will be approximately $60,000.

The completion of back-up generating power to the K.C. lift station to avoid potential and past instances where residents have had backup flows into their basements, is now completed.  I was pleased that a direct power line was laid running under Balkam Creek last winter, between the water treatment plant and the lift located at the entrance to Northwood Drive, rather than employing a back-up generator that was an earlier consideration.

The official status of our A.C.A.P. announcement related to the E. Ruddick Airport should be made within the next few weeks. The ACAP project details the design for the runway rehabilitation (repaving), runway lighting upgrades and an auxiliary power generator for the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina.  The cost of this project is approximately $4 million and is expected to be fully- funded through the ACAP program. This is a major local project which will enhance Nakina’s role in providing necessary air service to our northern communities and to the mining / exploration sites to the north of us.

Progress continues on the development of a permanent, all season road from Nakina to Marten Falls. As another strategy to promote the regional economy, especially as it relates to realizing the Ring of Fire opportunities for our area, the Council voted to support this venture through a motion providing $10,000 as one funding partner in an NOHFC application to acquire financial assistance for this road construction. Another example of how the importance of Nakina’s location is relative to the development to the north of us.

As the chair of Tourism Committee of Council, I’m pleased that we’re starting to see visible results of our early efforts to increase the visibility of Greenstone through better promotion and marketing. Now supported with our newly-hired tourism intern (Brent Henley), Travis Schallock and Danny Michel guided Jim Hoey (The Dimestore Fisherman) and his film crew recently while in Nakina. As one highlight of the five-day video shoot across Greenstone, Jim described at supper, a stellar fishing experience for smallmouth bass on Cordingly Lake. One week after the very successful 25th Annual Nakina Bass Tournament, and enjoying two recent editorial reviews by Gord Ellis (one in Ontario Outdoor Life and the second in the Chronicle Journal), The DimeStore Fisherman has indicated he’d like to join in on the event next year after being treated to another of Greenstone’s signature tourism events. I listened with interest to the dinner conversation in our “Country Kitchen” as Danny, Travis, Brent, and Jim spoke of ideas to ensure the Bass Derby continues to be an event that is actively supported by anglers, the volunteers of the Nakina Fish and Game Club and this renewed tourism initiative. I enjoyed the opportunity to help profile the Kenogamisis Golf Course in the same video shoot and introduced Jim and the film crew to some of the key players on the Club’s Executive and to capture footage of our superb 18 hole course. Streaming video content for our community portal as well as television broadcasts both in Canada and the U.S. are included in this tourism promotional project.

Congratulations to Magali Roy and the supporters of the CornFest sponsored by Le Club Francais. While the crowd wasn’t huge, the spirit was gigantic. I was joined by many who enjoyed the games of horseshoes, washers, the inflatables for the youth, the social gathering and the refreshments.  It is reassuring to see the spirit of our Club is vibrant.

The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters”  can be viewed at http://jay--daiter.blogspot.com/ The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.

Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor

Friday, June 11, 2010

Greenstone Welcomes Tourism Intern Brent Henley

Greenstone is pleased to welcome Brent Henley to assist in further unlocking Greenstone’s tourism potential. Mr. Henley joins us as the successful “Tourism Intern” candidate for a one-year internship. The Municipality of Greenstone captured $27,500 through an application to the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation to access the Northern Ontario Youth Internship and Co-op Program. In early May, another $5000 from FedNor, through an Local Initiative Contribution was announced to support a marketing-promotion application to engage “The DimeStore Fisherman.”

This Tourism Steering Committee of Council has been assigned several responsibilities all linked to improved marketing and promoting of what has been identified as our Signature Assets.

Brent’s  responsibilities will encompass:

·    Market and promote Tourism Events & Attractions for Greenstone.
·    Implementation of the recommendations presented to Council from the Steering Tourism Committee (February 2nd, 2009)
·    Research possible relationships opportunities through regional promotion and marketing partnerships and compile a listing of potential promotional and marketing options to promote Tourism Events & Attractions in Greenstone.
·    Identify all local volunteer organizations and their events.
·    Assist local volunteer organizations in promoting their events through the community portal and other free media outlets.
·    Promote all municipal signature events through news stories, the community portal and any other possible promotional means.
·    Develop and distribute print and electronic brochures designed to market and promote tourism events & attractions in Greenstone.
·    Create, maintain, distribute and promote a current schedule of tourism events & attractions.

It is expected that Mr. Henley will be highly visible throughout Greenstone as he becomes increasingly familiar with our Municipality and gets to know and interact with the residents in the hospitality and tourism sector. You are encouraged to contact Mr. Henley at:

or by phone at 853-0009

In a complimentary tourism initiative, Brent will also be promoting an engagement with Jim Hoey, “The DimeStore Fisherman” who will be coordinating a pan-Greenstone video shoot from August 12th-18th. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nakina Ward Spring Newsletter

Dear Citizens,
There is little doubt that most of the questions and inquiries I
receive regularly (from far and near) are related to the Ring of Fire developments. Optimism abounds as many key indicators suggest that this economic opportunity is going to impact significantly on the regional economy. The recent turnout of the large public gathering at the information meeting held in Nakina on February 18th bears out that the area residents are keenly interested in these developments.

That Canada is seen as rounding the corner on the recession, the strength of the loonie on international markets, the recovery and improved stability on the Canadian stock markets and current commodity pricing, are some indicators which will positively and directly influence mineral development and investment in the Ring of Fire.
Significant public announcements at Queen’s Park all pave the way for the Ring of Fire activities to advance including:
  • The appointment by the Ontario government in the 2010 budget speech of A Ring of Fire Secretariat to lead our collective efforts to advance the area’s economic promise
  • The province announcing the reduction of electricity prices by almost 25 per cent for large industrial users
  • The announcement by the province contained in the budget announcements that “We’re investing $45 million over three years for a new skills training program to help Aboriginal Peoples and northern Ontarians benefit from jobs in the Ring of Fire region.”

Several weeks ago, I was uncertain that the key provincial ministers may not understand the extent of the opportunities in the Ring of Fire. I am more reassured but I’ll continue to influence when opportunities arise. Watch for a new sign along Highway 584 with a logo (similar to one above), “The Ring of Fire Highway.”

I was pleased that Council supported the motion to help promote Greenstone by tagging our location to the Ring of Fire area and related developments. We will all be hearing lots of continuing ‘buzz’ about the developments to our north. Our Council is taking steps to meet with First Nations leaders. A meeting is planned for next week with Chief Sonny Gagnon and His Council. While at NOMA in Marathon, there was an opportunity to speak with both the Minister Gravelle and His Deputy Minister. It was an opportunity to describe expectations face to face by stating, “the potential smelting of the extracted ore must occur in Northwestern Ontario and that the energy requirements must be in place to enable industry to be competitive and to sustain a refining operation in Northwestern Ontario.” While at NOMA in Marathon last week, the following Resolution reads in part: “that the Little Jackfish hydro-electric project be designed to provide sufficient power to upgrade the existing line from Beardmore to Longlac TS and Nakina and to power the future line to the Ring of Fire.” Nakina couldn’t be in a better location.
Council also recently gave full support for the following motion: “THAT the Municipality of Greenstone partner with the City of Thunder Bay and Partners for an Economic Impact Assessment of the Development and Operations of the McFaulds Lake Chrome Project (Ring of Fire area) to be conducted by Doyletech Corporation of Ottawa.”
On April 29th, I attended a presentation in Thunder Bay with Globe and Mail Journalist and 2009 winner of Canada’s National Business Book Award - Gordon Pitts. The Key Topics were:
· Canada’s Global Economic Outlook - After the Global Recession
· Strategic Advantages of NWO to the Global Economy
· Natural Resources – Key to Growth
· NWO in 2015 - Critical to Ontario’s Future
Council supported a motion I introduced to table the motion that would have sought support to accept and award a tender for Airport Operation Services at the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport for one year to the Thunder Bay Airport Authority. In January, I requested information related to the operations and management of our airports. Council has not yet had the opportunity to be fully review this material. Of primary importance to me, is that the operations at our airports and particularly at the ER Ruddick airport, not be compromised and that they will serve well, all of the carriers and businesses using this airport.
Cost estimates are being prepared for an “Airside Business Park Development” at the Elmer Ruddick Airport consisting of 6 commercial lots. Inquiries have already been received from business considering leasing lots at both municipal airports. I am optimistic that Council will support this development in Nakina. This capital project is in the mix of all the capital considerations. Council has now met for three days in budget deliberations.
An A.C.A.P. announcement related to the E. Ruddick Airport should be made within the next few weeks. THAT on the recommendation of the Airports Manager and with the approval of the Director of Public Services, an invoice for EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. for the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) Application and Preliminary Design for the Runway Rehabilitation, Lighting Upgrade and Auxiliary Power Generator for the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport in the amount of $19,800.00 plus GST be approved for payment as per By-Law10-05.” If successful, Transport Canada will cover 100% of the estimated $3,946,939.00 project costs.
A Tourism Intern is expected to be hired as the interviewing process is now complete. A recommendation to Council is expected to arise from the Tourism Steering Committee before the end of this week. 50% of the wage and benefits of this position are coming from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation. As chair of the committee, I will be encouraging a transition from a one year internship, to a longer term position. A video shoot in each of Greenstone’s wards, will help to better profile our municipal assets and events through the production of a Greenstone DVD and a series of television programs on major US television networks through the engagement of the “DimeStore Fisherman”. A tentative itinerary for a 5 day Greenstone video shoot from August 13th -17th has been prepared.
Approved by Council and on the recommendation of Nakina Sector Fire Chief Mike McCool, Byron C. Magiskan and Martin Lavoie have be appointed as firefighters with the Nakina Volunteer Fire Department effective March 8, 2010. The community appreciates your services.
The Northern Ontario Energy Credit will provide relief from higher energy costs incurred by low- to middle-income residents of northern Ontario with a new annual credit of up to $130 for a single person and up to $200 for families (including single parents). The credit will be reduced for single persons with adjusted net income of over $35000 ($45000 for families). The first 2 payments will be made in the fall of 2010.
The consideration of adopting a ‘Minimum Attendance Policy’ pertaining to Childcare at our Day Care facilities has resulted in strong support from Council not to adopt the policy at this time and to put it on the back burner. The draft policy came forward again to Council in April that described a set of processes that would result in the closing of a day care if the minimum attendance was not sustained for three consecutive months. At the end of this 3 month period, parents would then be given 60 days notice that the center would close. I was supportive of the decision to not adopt and implement this policy. I anticipate that there will be a continued need for child care services in the near future.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at http://jay--daiter.blogspot.com/ The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Ring of Fire" Railway Engineers Visiting Nakina

The Council of the Municipality of Greenstone will be holding a

Special Meeting of Council on

Thursday Feb. 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

at the Nakina Community Center.

Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to hear a presentation by

Krech Ojard & Associates,

engineers for the

Far North Railway Project to the Ring of Fire.

This meeting is open to the public and

everyone in Greenstone is welcome to attend.


Jay Daiter
Councillor, Nakina Ward
Municipality of Greenstone

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 2010 Ward Newsletter

Dear Citizens,
The New Year marks the beginning of some important initiatives and activities. Of significance to me are the 11 remaining months to works towards the completion of projects that we as a Council have identified, and several aspects of involvement that hold my interest and enthusiasm such as strengthening relationships especially those which will leverage mining-related economic opportunities and ‘tourism’ initiatives’ being lead through a Steering Committee of Council. It was last March during the closing ceremonies of Nakina’s Winter Carnival, that I first spoke publicly about the exploration and related activities in the “Ring of Fire”. The activities to our north have peaked the interest of residents, mining companies, First Nations as well as foreign investors. I have and will continue to better understand how these emerging mineral developments can positively impact on our local economy.

The process is underway regarding the 2010 budget and to that end, input has been provided identifying local road improvements (Main, Center, Ontario, Cordingly), building maintenance at the Nakina Clinic and Heritage Buildings, capital equipment needs, and arena complex and airport improvements. Of particular interest to local residents identified during the community consultations held this past summer, was the request for commercial airport lots to be developed in Nakina. This is the year for this project to carry forward in the context of the activity that is prevalent at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. This capital project has been introduced. Continuing to resource the municipal airports, an A.C.A.P. submission was filed this month for approval totaling in excess of $ 5 M for improvements and upgrades at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. The A.C.A.P. announcements are made in the spring of the year. I have introduced the feasibility considerations of an airport runway extension from 3500’ to 5000’.
Continuing in my role as Chair of the Tourism Steering Committee, we are optimistic that our request for financial assistance from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund (NOHFC), will be approved in the amount of $27, 500. The funding will supplement municipal funding for a new position of a Tourism Events and Attractions Coordinator. The position will be advertized with the committee continuing in their role of identifying and implementing tourism investment strategies. A video shoot in each of Greenstone’s wards, will help to better profile our municipal assets and events through the production of a Greenstone DVD and a series of television programs on major US television networks through the engagement of the “DimeStore Fisherman”. A tentative itinerary for a 5 day video shoot from August 13th -17th has been prepared with Jim Hoey being a guest in Nakina during the 25th Anniversary of the Nakina Bass Derby. Further details of this visit will be described in the local media at a later date.
A series of meetings throughout Greenstone saw Nakina bring out the largest gathering as Matthew Fischer lead a community focus group in Nakina in early December. The input gathered in each of the Wards of Greenstone was collated and presented in a final report to the community at large in mid January. A number of recommendations involving a partnership of G.E.D.C. and the Municipality are described in the “Gap Analysis and Market Study Report”. (complete downloadable copies of the final report and the presentation are available on the GEDC website at:
Again, I want to thank the many residents who came out to provide meaningful and grass roots input reflective of your community. This is a good example of how your input mattered.
On February 3rd, I will join the Mayor to attend the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting. Of particular interest is the Keynote Speaker at this event, President & C.E.O. Frank Smeenk (KWG Resources and Canada Chrome Corporation). He will be addressing the gathering about Ring of Fire developments especially as his company is one of the major mining players in the Ring of Fire. There is considerable interest mixed with speculation about the impact of foreseeable developments especially due to the proximity of Greenstone.
The matter of energy transmission plans for Northwestern Ontario is of significance to the Greenstone region especially the ability to provide power to the Ring of Fire. It is timely that correspondence from NOMA President, Anne Krassilowsky (Mayor Dryden) and a supporting resolution addressed to all NOMA Members, (dated January 15, 2010) identifies the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity as a key part of the Northwestern Ontario economy. An endorsement from NOMA describing: “that the station (Little Jackfish hydro-electric power plant) and that the plan be modified (at Hydro One’s expense) to provide sufficient power to upgrade the existing line from Beardmore to Longlac and Nakina and to power the future line to the Ring of Fire.” I am supportive of a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure while attending the Ontario Good Roads Conference as well as continuing to ensure that MPP, Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, is fully in tune with this issue.
The start of the New Year introduced not one, but two restaurant choices for local consumers. You can appreciate that I was ‘invited’ to do something about the absence of any place to eat in the latter months. The private business opportunities were quickly pursued given the requirements of opening such a business. This issue which has been addressed through local initiatives is appreciated. It is my hope that the services provided will support the needs of the community and that the community will support the services. As Nakina’s position as a staging area to the Ring of Fire developments becomes more defined, the need for a local restaurant is expected to help the local economy. To those who worked hard to provide this service, I thank you and wish you well in your respective business endeavours.
Leading a Local Incentive Grant application to G.E.D.C. on behalf of the 3 Greenstone Snowmobile Clubs, our application for signage improvements was rewarded with funding for $4398.00 which covered the entire costs of this project. The new banner additions to the large map billboards supported with destination signs will better ensure safer experiences for snowmobilers. The new reflective banners will improve the promotion of the “Greenstone Snowmobiling Loop” as the banners will be visible at night for sledders and motorists travelling through Greenstone.
The Nakina Heritage Building (Train Station) is currently providing available commercial space to the local school board and to the Country Kitchen Restaurant. This Municipally owned building is available for commercial use and residents are encouraged to call me if you know of a business or company who would be interested in leasing available space in the suitable offices located in the Train Station.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at http://jay--daiter.blogspot.com/ The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power