Dear Citizens,
The New Year marks the beginning of some important initiatives and activities. Of significance to me are the 11 remaining months to works towards the completion of projects that we as a Council have identified, and several aspects of involvement that hold my interest and enthusiasm such as strengthening relationships especially those which will leverage mining-related economic opportunities and ‘tourism’ initiatives’ being lead through a Steering Committee of Council. It was last March during the closing ceremonies of Nakina’s Winter Carnival, that I first spoke publicly about the exploration and related activities in the “Ring of Fire”. The activities to our north have peaked the interest of residents, mining companies, First Nations as well as foreign investors. I have and will continue to better understand how these emerging mineral developments can positively impact on our local economy.
I personally and professionally enjoy being challenged with the issues that fall in the municipal domain and consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to influence Council and be a part of the collective decision-making. I have filed my nomination papers for the upcoming municipal election (October 25th) and have deliberately chosen to do so early. It is my ambition to continue to have a presence at the Council table and to be as influential and instrumental in making decisions that will reflect well on our community. What is most important for me is that I declare openly, my sincerity to the public, of my willingness and commitment to continue to serve on Council in a capacity to represent voters and influence change.
The process is underway regarding the 2010 budget and to that end, input has been provided identifying local road improvements (Main, Center, Ontario, Cordingly), building maintenance at the Nakina Clinic and Heritage Buildings, capital equipment needs, and arena complex and airport improvements. Of particular interest to local residents identified during the community consultations held this past summer, was the request for commercial airport lots to be developed in Nakina. This is the year for this project to carry forward in the context of the activity that is prevalent at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. This capital project has been introduced. Continuing to resource the municipal airports, an A.C.A.P. submission was filed this month for approval totaling in excess of $ 5 M for improvements and upgrades at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. The A.C.A.P. announcements are made in the spring of the year. I have introduced the feasibility considerations of an airport runway extension from 3500’ to 5000’.
Continuing in my role as Chair of the Tourism Steering Committee, we are optimistic that our request for financial assistance from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund (NOHFC), will be approved in the amount of $27, 500. The funding will supplement municipal funding for a new position of a Tourism Events and Attractions Coordinator. The position will be advertized with the committee continuing in their role of identifying and implementing tourism investment strategies. A video shoot in each of Greenstone’s wards, will help to better profile our municipal assets and events through the production of a Greenstone DVD and a series of television programs on major US television networks through the engagement of the “DimeStore Fisherman”. A tentative itinerary for a 5 day video shoot from August 13th -17th has been prepared with Jim Hoey being a guest in Nakina during the 25th Anniversary of the Nakina Bass Derby. Further details of this visit will be described in the local media at a later date.
A series of meetings throughout Greenstone saw Nakina bring out the largest gathering as Matthew Fischer lead a community focus group in Nakina in early December. The input gathered in each of the Wards of Greenstone was collated and presented in a final report to the community at large in mid January. A number of recommendations involving a partnership of G.E.D.C. and the Municipality are described in the “Gap Analysis and Market Study Report”. (complete downloadable copies of the final report and the presentation are available on the GEDC website at:
Again, I want to thank the many residents who came out to provide meaningful and grass roots input reflective of your community. This is a good example of how your input mattered.
On February 3rd, I will join the Mayor to attend the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting. Of particular interest is the Keynote Speaker at this event, President & C.E.O. Frank Smeenk (KWG Resources and Canada Chrome Corporation). He will be addressing the gathering about Ring of Fire developments especially as his company is one of the major mining players in the Ring of Fire. There is considerable interest mixed with speculation about the impact of foreseeable developments especially due to the proximity of Greenstone.
The matter of energy transmission plans for Northwestern Ontario is of significance to the Greenstone region especially the ability to provide power to the Ring of Fire. It is timely that correspondence from NOMA President, Anne Krassilowsky (Mayor Dryden) and a supporting resolution addressed to all NOMA Members, (dated January 15, 2010) identifies the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity as a key part of the Northwestern Ontario economy. An endorsement from NOMA describing: “that the station (Little Jackfish hydro-electric power plant) and that the plan be modified (at Hydro One’s expense) to provide sufficient power to upgrade the existing line from Beardmore to Longlac and Nakina and to power the future line to the Ring of Fire.” I am supportive of a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure while attending the Ontario Good Roads Conference as well as continuing to ensure that MPP, Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, is fully in tune with this issue.
The start of the New Year introduced not one, but two restaurant choices for local consumers. You can appreciate that I was ‘invited’ to do something about the absence of any place to eat in the latter months. The private business opportunities were quickly pursued given the requirements of opening such a business. This issue which has been addressed through local initiatives is appreciated. It is my hope that the services provided will support the needs of the community and that the community will support the services. As Nakina’s position as a staging area to the Ring of Fire developments becomes more defined, the need for a local restaurant is expected to help the local economy. To those who worked hard to provide this service, I thank you and wish you well in your respective business endeavours.
Leading a Local Incentive Grant application to G.E.D.C. on behalf of the 3 Greenstone Snowmobile Clubs, our application for signage improvements was rewarded with funding for $4398.00 which covered the entire costs of this project. The new banner additions to the large map billboards supported with destination signs will better ensure safer experiences for snowmobilers. The new reflective banners will improve the promotion of the “Greenstone Snowmobiling Loop” as the banners will be visible at night for sledders and motorists travelling through Greenstone.
The Nakina Heritage Building (Train Station) is currently providing available commercial space to the local school board and to the Country Kitchen Restaurant. This Municipally owned building is available for commercial use and residents are encouraged to call me if you know of a business or company who would be interested in leasing available space in the suitable offices located in the Train Station.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power
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