Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Newsletter - Nakina Ward

               Nakina Ward Office
                                                                                                                                                                       200 Centre Ave. Nakina, ON  P0T 2H0
 Tel:   (807) 329-5361     Fax: (807) 329-5982

Dear Citizens,                                                                                                                       Spring, 2012

(Toronto, Ontario - March 6, 2012) Today, at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference, the Greenstone Municipal Economic Development Office (GMED) launched a comprehensive new website that will help both potential and existing businesses and investors develop and grow in the Municipality of Greenstone.
The website developed by McSweeny and Associates features Canada’s most advanced business-related tools (by EDTools®) for research by businesses, site selectors, and investors looking for economic, demographic, and other investment-related information.
The Municipality wanted to provide the business community with a dedicated website to help them expand and prosper to meet the increased opportunities and demand the mining sector is currently providing. "The site shows that we are focused and committed to attracting new investment and helping existing businesses reach their full potential," said Mayor Beaulieu from the Greenstone booth of the PDAC conference.

Council has been meeting since late November to prepare and finalize the 2012 budget that will come to Council for approval on April 10th. Five committees including municipal staff in all departments and all members of Council, worked through Dec. through March. We examined all aspects of our Municipal operations looking for savings and or efficiencies. Very detailed and lengthy discussions were helpful by allowing direct input from staff. The beginning of the rehabilitation of Twin Lakes Road will begin this summer.

Our Council continues to work collaboratively with the Mattawa First Nations as they continue to press issues and benefits for the region. I joined Mayor Beaulieu as Chief Elis Moonias and Chief Sonny Gagnon with Ring of Fire Co-ordinator, Raymond Ferris, made their press release at Queen’s Park during the Prospectors & Developers Convention in Toronto where they described their position and concerns. “As part of the government to government negotiations, the FN communities expect the governments to acknowledge and support their position that, if the Ring of Fire minerals are to be extracted within First Nations Territories, then processing / refining must occur in their Territory. The First Nations want a Negotiated Joint Panel Review EA Process for both the Cliffs and Noront projects. That  Exton Siding adjacent to Aroland First Nation is the preferred location for the refining smelter. This location is also supported by the Municipality of Greenstone who are working cooperatively with First Nations. The First Nations believe that this option should be assessed within the environmental assessment process. “We expect that the governments and industry, along with the First Nations and municipalities will begin to chart a course, through partnership,” concluded Chief Moonias and Chief Gagnon.” For further details on the entire press release, visit:

Speaking in support and introducing the merits of an Airport Committee to develop and market our airports by engaging business and industry, I thank Council for their support in recently passing Bylaw 12-XX.
“AND WHEREAS these airports will be vitally important in our ability to fully benefit from the huge economic development potential in our region.  
AND WHEREAS Council deems it important to receive input/advice from the public and the business/industrial sector on the strategic direction, development, operation and funding of these important municipal assets.  
The ROLE of the committee is:
            -  To provide Council with input and advice relative to the operation, management, strategic direction, development and funding of the Airports and To act as ambassadors for both airports at all times.
More specifically the Committee shall provide input, advice and recommendations on matters such as, but not limited to: Airport marketing and promotion, policies and initiatives, awareness and support, Airport Master Plans and Business Plans and Airport safety.
Selection of the stakeholder and community members will be made by Council from applicants responding to the media advertising for members – Times Star, Greenstone Portal/Web Page.”
Residents are encouraged to speak with me further about your interest in this committee.
There continues to be interest shown in purchasing the Terrace Bay mill and the two sawmills although details are not available. Several weeks ago, I did provide a number of photos of the Nakina mill that were requested by one of the potential buyers. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Meeting with potential investors is one of the benefits of attending conferences especially where investors are present such as at the Prospector’s Development Conference. Mayor Beaulieu, our Economic Development Officer and I enjoyed a full evening with one of those investors.
I’ve been posting many more news items and information on Facebook which is searchable under ‘Greenstone Matters’ for the past year as well on my blog located at:  Posting here provides more exposure to issues / interests related to the Nakina Ward and Greenstone.
Jay Daiter ,
Nakina Ward Councillor,
Municipality of Greenstone

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