Friday, December 14, 2012

Opportunity for Outfitters and Tourism-dependent Businesses

Attention All the Outfitters, Resort Owners and all groups with an interest in promoting our amazing “Made in Greenstone” outdoor experiences.
Recognizing an emerging opportunity to support economic development opportunities related to tourism, The Municipality of Greenstone has agreed to support two Greenstone ambassadors to attend the Tourism Trade Show in Stuttgart, Germany. The CTM Trade Show runs from January 12th - January 20th , 2013 and last year over 2 million visitors travelled through this show.
This event marks the first step in Greenstone’s efforts to tap into the European tourism market.
Volunteering to working a booth for nine days, our ambassadors will be exposing and demonstrating with multimedia, all that Greenstone has to offer such as outfitting ventures, fly-in operations, local resorts and campgrounds and regional amenities such as parks, boat launches, kayaking, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice climbing, hunting, golf, hiking, swimming, boating and the myriad of other secrets we all know too well.
The Municipality invites all Greenstone businesses to use this opportunity to advertise in Stuttgart, Germany through us. We will have laptops and internet capacity at the booth, and will encourage visitors to browse and be guided through your websites and pictures.
Please provide us with your promotional brochures and pamphlets by 3:00pm on Friday, December 21st at the Geraldton Administration Building or local ward office. Your materials will be shipped overseas during the first week of January and distributed at the event by our ambassadors.
Electronic pamphlets and media (subject to size limitations) can be provided to us and used on your behalf.
The Mayor and Council are encouraging ongoing support to strengthen the partnership with the local Chambers of Commerce.
The Municipality of Greenstone continues to pursue strategic initiatives to capture growth associated with the tourism sector, and is excited to be a part of this project. Readers and listeners are asked to spread the word and help us make this a huge success. For more information or inquiries, please contact:
Jamie Armstrong, Financial Assistant to the Economic Development Office (807) 854-1100 ext. 2034


  1. I am very excited for Greenstone to be taking a step in the tourism direction. Tourism has been the only thing keeping Longlac and many other towns in Greenstone afloat for the last few years, yet nothing has been done to encourage more of it.

    This is a great opportunity for Greenstone to be seen by over 2.3 million people. Imagine that. This is a HUGE show in Germany and the inside word is that they've been looking (actually begging) for some new things. I think we're just the ticket. This show runs for 8 days and is the largest, most attended travel & tourism show in Germany. As you may know, the German economy is doing quite well - much better than the US whose dollars we've become dependent on for many years. Germans also love to travel, they love the outdoors and they really love to hunt. Why not expose our community a little to some folks that would appreciate our natural beauty and opportunities and at the same time, improve our local economy?

    As an outfitter I am excited about the opportunity this gives our little company to have some international exposure. We have a few European guests for hunting and they love it here. We would definitely like more of them. I encourage any outfitter interested in getting some exposure in Germany to put together your best brochures, pictures, whatever and get them to the Municipality before the 21st. Good luck - I've got to get busy getting my stuff done.

    Merry Christmas to everyone...

  2. I am very excited for Greenstone to be taking a step in the tourism direction. Tourism has been the only thing keeping Longlac and many other towns in Greenstone afloat for the last few years, yet nothing has been done to encourage more of it.

    This is a great opportunity for Greenstone to be seen by over 2.3 million people. Imagine that. This is a HUGE show in Germany and the inside word is that they've been looking (actually begging) for some new things. I think we're just the ticket. This show runs for 8 days and is the largest, most attended travel & tourism show in Germany. As you may know, the German economy is doing quite well - much better than the US whose dollars we've become dependent on for many years. Germans also love to travel, they love the outdoors and they really love to hunt. Why not expose our community a little to some folks that would appreciate our natural beauty and opportunities and at the same time, improve our local economy?

    As an outfitter I am excited about the opportunity this gives our little company to have some international exposure. We have a few European guests for hunting and they love it here. We would definitely like more of them. I encourage any outfitter interested in getting some exposure in Germany to put together your best brochures, pictures, whatever and get them to the Municipality before the 21st. Good luck - I've got to get busy getting my stuff done.

    Merry Christmas to everyone...

  3. Thanks for your grateful informations, am working in Tourism Portal ,
    so it will be a better information’s for me. Try to post best informations like this always.
