Monday, October 26, 2009

October / November Ward Newsletter

Dear Citizens,
It’s always about people, or at least it should be. With the declaration of “Local Government Week”, I was welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to talk with intermediate students about local government. With an overview of how Municipal governments are organized, there was a focus on citizenship, democracy and how decision-making is influenced. Emphasis was placed on democratic values, and exercising rights and fulfilling responsibilities. In appreciation of their participation and interest, each student was presented with a certificate and a Greenstone Municipal pin. Thank you for the invitation to be a part of the student learning and I wish you every success in establishing your internet forum.
The near completion of Highway 584 will conclude with a final inspection. The highway/road improvements this past year including 584, Highway 643 to Aroland, Airport Road north of Geraldton, and the approach into Nakina have resulted in many happier motorists and safer driving conditions. What a nice ride between Nakina and Geraldton! Last week I met personally with the MTO Contracts Manager and voiced my concerns about the uneven highway surface on Highway 584. Although this is not a municipal project, our residents have waited a long time for the badly needed reconstruction of this section of highway. I will follow up with the Projects Manager regarding the final inspection.
I was delighted to note several references to the continuing developments associated with the “Ring of Fire” mining / exploration activities while at the Thunder Bay Municipal League meeting on October 16th – 17th. The engagement of engineering firms to identify potential rail routes, exploration / drilling activity regarding mineralization deposits, road locating, increased air traffic, and bridge construction, are strong indicators that something positive will happen to the north. Nakina has very affordable housing, an employable labour force, is close to the Ring of Fire, has a first rate airport, all of which enable us to be exceptionally well-positioned for this opportunity. These are clearly some exciting developments which I hope come to fruition. The following is an extract of a recent Google search I conducted….
MONTREAL, Sept. 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - KWG Resources Inc (TSXV: KWG.V) subsidiary Canada Chrome Corporation has engaged Krech Ojard Associates, P.A. of Duluth, Minnesota to provide engineering services for the construction of a new 350km (210 mi) railroad link to the Ring of Fire. Krech Ojard is a railroad engineering and construction firm that has completed a number of projects with KWG's principal shareholder Cliffs Natural Resources (NYSE: CLF) (Paris: CLF.PA). Krech Ojard has identified and field refined a proposed route and is
undertaking additional surveys to determine the final alignment. A feasibility study will then be completed prior to moving into the next phases of the project.
I am hoping that the closing of the AFN Restaurant may soon be reversed as Chief Sonny Gagnon and Band Council evaluate the importance of this service to our area. I appreciated the discussion I had with the newly-elected Chief and wish the new Chief and Council well in their endeavours. Meegwitch.
New signage at the 11 / 17 intersection at Nipigon will be installed in November. After years of lobbying, the newly designed signs reflect input from Greenstone which now better ‘point’ to Greenstone. A new ‘Nakina’ mileage sign just north of Geraldton has been welcomed. There are still several signs along 584 that need to be replaced. Am also pleased to note that the E M S sign has been replaced at our clinic / EMS station.
PHOTO [Nipigon River Bridge, ca.1940]
Like many municipal councils, Greenstone weighed in on concerns associated with the potential withdrawing of Greyhound Bus services in Northwestern Ontario. With discussions involving Greyhound continuing, municipal councilors and staff were offered assurances through a presentation made by North Country Travel (while at the Thunder Bay Municipal League meetings), that a seamless bus service would be introduced on December 3rd if Greyhound ceases its operation on December 2nd. There is now word that a meeting of Canada's transport ministers has resulted in the formation of a working group that will try to review and modernize the regulatory framework governing passenger bus service.
The Tourism Steering Committee (a committee of Council) has introduced a motion to support an application to NOHFC. The application will be for a one year Youth Internship where a successful graduate will work to implement the earlier recommendations made to Council that support marketing and promoting tourism in Greenstone. The committee is chaired by myself and supported with Councillors E. Mannisto, Councillor Jane Jantunen, Ross Houghton of Greenstone Economic Development Corporation, and Paula Menchions, President, Geraldton Chamber of Commerce, Jay Lucas (GCF), Harry Kelly, and Rob Kurisch.
Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is proposing to develop approximately 100 MW of hydroelectric power on the Little Jackfish River (east of Armstrong). Up to 280 MW of wind power potential exists on the east side of Lake Nipigon. OPG is expected to identify new wind potential further north of Lake Nipigon.
A number of local projects are being worked on or completed. They include getting power to KC subdivision lift station (to avoid sewer back-ups), new carpets in the Nakina clinic, further road repairs next year, improvements at the cemetery which include new fencing, painting and the straightening of the entrance markers, new furniture for the airport, and the purchase of a dyed diesel tank at the E.R. Ruddick Airport.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power
Nakina Ward Office

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Every kilowatt Counts

An easy alternative to disposing of your old fridge or freezer has been introduced by the Ontario Power Authority which helps your avoid disposal charges and reduces the impact on our landfills.

You can book an appointment today and they will come pick it up for FREE – even haul it out of your basement for you and take care of it in an environmentally responsible manner.

Am I Eligible?

To qualify, you must have at least one appliance as shown in the "primary appliance" category below. If you have at least one "primary appliance," then we will also pick up window air conditioners and dehumidifiers.

Primary appliance: Full-sized refrigerators and full-sized freezers must be:

  • between 10-27 cubic feet
  • in working condition (plugged in 24 hrs prior to pick up)
  • 15 years of age or older.

Secondary appliance: Window air conditioners and dehumidifiers must be:

  • in working condition
  • 10 years of age or older
  • window air conditioners must be removed from the window prior to pick up and placed near a power source.
Your request can be processed online by going to:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ward Newsletter

Dear Citizens,

The New Year marks the beginning of some important initiatives and activities. Of significance to me are the 11 remaining months to works towards the completion of projects that we as a Council have identified, and several aspects of involvement that hold my interest and enthusiasm such as strengthening relationships especially those which will leverage mining-related economic opportunities and ‘tourism’ initiatives’ being lead through a Steering Committee of Council. It was last March during the closing ceremonies of Nakina’s Winter Carnival, that I first spoke publicly about the exploration and related activities in the “Ring of Fire”. The activities to our north have peaked the interest of residents, mining companies, First Nations as well as foreign investors. I have and will continue to better understand how these emerging mineral developments can positively impact on our local economy.
I personally and professionally enjoy being challenged with the issues that fall in the municipal domain and consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to influence Council and be a part of the collective decision-making. I have filed my nomination papers for the upcoming municipal election (October 25th) and have deliberately chosen to do so early. It is my ambition to continue to have a presence at the Council table and to be as influential and instrumental in making decisions that will reflect well on our community. What is most important for me is that I declare openly, my sincerity to the public, of my willingness and commitment to continue to serve on Council in a capacity to represent voters and influence change.
The process is underway regarding the 2010 budget and to that end, input has been provided identifying local road improvements (Main, Center, Ontario, Cordingly), building maintenance at the Nakina Clinic and Heritage Buildings, capital equipment needs, and arena complex and airport improvements. Of particular interest to local residents identified during the community consultations held this past summer, was the request for commercial airport lots to be developed in Nakina. This is the year for this project to carry forward in the context of the activity that is prevalent at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. This capital project has been introduced. Continuing to resource the municipal airports, an A.C.A.P. submission was filed this month for approval totaling in excess of $ 5 M for improvements and upgrades at the E.R. Ruddick Airport. The A.C.A.P. announcements are made in the spring of the year. I have introduced the feasibility considerations of an airport runway extension from 3500’ to 5000’.
Continuing in my role as Chair of the Tourism Steering Committee, we are optimistic that our request for financial assistance from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund (NOHFC), will be approved in the amount of $27, 500. The funding will supplement municipal funding for a new position of a Tourism Events and Attractions Coordinator. The position will be advertized with the committee continuing in their role of identifying and implementing tourism investment strategies. A video shoot in each of Greenstone’s wards, will help to better profile our municipal assets and events through the production of a Greenstone DVD and a series of television programs on major US television networks through the engagement of the “DimeStore Fisherman”. A tentative itinerary for a 5 day video shoot from August 13th -17th has been prepared with Jim Hoey being a guest in Nakina during the 25th Anniversary of the Nakina Bass Derby. Further details of this visit will be described in the local media at a later date.
A series of meetings throughout Greenstone saw Nakina bring out the largest gathering as Matthew Fischer lead a community focus group in Nakina in early December. The input gathered in each of the Wards of Greenstone was collated and presented in a final report to the community at large in mid January. A number of recommendations involving a partnership of G.E.D.C. and the Municipality are described in the “Gap Analysis and Market Study Report”. (complete downloadable copies of the final report and the presentation are available on the GEDC website at:
Again, I want to thank the many residents who came out to provide meaningful and grass roots input reflective of your community. This is a good example of how your input mattered.
On February 3rd, I will join the Mayor to attend the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting. Of particular interest is the Keynote Speaker at this event, President & C.E.O. Frank Smeenk (KWG Resources and Canada Chrome Corporation). He will be addressing the gathering about Ring of Fire developments especially as his company is one of the major mining players in the Ring of Fire. There is considerable interest mixed with speculation about the impact of foreseeable developments especially due to the proximity of Greenstone.
The matter of energy transmission plans for Northwestern Ontario is of significance to the Greenstone region especially the ability to provide power to the Ring of Fire. It is timely that correspondence from NOMA President, Anne Krassilowsky (Mayor Dryden) and a supporting resolution addressed to all NOMA Members, (dated January 15, 2010) identifies the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity as a key part of the Northwestern Ontario economy. An endorsement from NOMA describing: “that the station (Little Jackfish hydro-electric power plant) and that the plan be modified (at Hydro One’s expense) to provide sufficient power to upgrade the existing line from Beardmore to Longlac and Nakina and to power the future line to the Ring of Fire.” I am supportive of a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure while attending the Ontario Good Roads Conference as well as continuing to ensure that MPP, Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, is fully in tune with this issue.
The start of the New Year introduced not one, but two restaurant choices for local consumers. You can appreciate that I was ‘invited’ to do something about the absence of any place to eat in the latter months. The private business opportunities were quickly pursued given the requirements of opening such a business. This issue which has been addressed through local initiatives is appreciated. It is my hope that the services provided will support the needs of the community and that the community will support the services. As Nakina’s position as a staging area to the Ring of Fire developments becomes more defined, the need for a local restaurant is expected to help the local economy. To those who worked hard to provide this service, I thank you and wish you well in your respective business endeavours.
Leading a Local Incentive Grant application to G.E.D.C. on behalf of the 3 Greenstone Snowmobile Clubs, our application for signage improvements was rewarded with funding for $4398.00 which covered the entire costs of this project. The new banner additions to the large map billboards supported with destination signs will better ensure safer experiences for snowmobilers. The new reflective banners will improve the promotion of the “Greenstone Snowmobiling Loop” as the banners will be visible at night for sledders and motorists travelling through Greenstone.
The Nakina Heritage Building (Train Station) is currently providing available commercial space to the local school board and to the Country Kitchen Restaurant. This Municipally owned building is available for commercial use and residents are encouraged to call me if you know of a business or company who would be interested in leasing available space in the suitable offices located in the Train Station.
The internet blog, “Greenstone Matters” can be viewed at The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.
Jay Daiter, Nakina Ward Councillor
cc: Mayor Power

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dates for Town Hall Meetings

Council of the Municipality of Greenstone will hold Town Hall meetings:
June 1 Beardmore Community Centre
June 2 Geraldton Community Centre
June 3 Longlac Sportsplex
June 4 Nakina Community Centre

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Topics will include, but are not limited to, Finance (Budget, Tax Rates, Capital Projects,) Council Composition, Strategic Plan.

CLICK HERE here for a copy of the Information Package which will be made available to the public at each meeting.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

April was Busy

While the weather was struggling for spring to arrive in Greenstone, there was "building" weather in Parry Sound where the grandchildren are living and so the playhouse project was underway several weeks earlier than planned. Working only from pictures, my son Josh and I were both pretty proud of the end result. There is no doubt that our 3 grandchildren, Jordynn, Addyson and Naomi will spend many fun hours in their playhouse. If not, maybe it'll be a scaled down version of retirement living?

As one member on a planning team, we have met to begin planning and organizing the community / public consultations which will occur in each of our 4 wards (June 1st - 4th). Sensitive to the "hot button" issues, I hope and will ask for the preparation of relevant background information on matters such as a new municipal building, water / sewer rates, tax rates, and service levels. I'll be suggesting that the backgrounders be made available on the Community Portal and local paper in order to be available for those who do not attend the community meetings. It is important to me that there is as much opportunity for interaction with the public that will help guide Council. The second planning meeting is May 11th.

Best Wishes to Jeanne. We wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to your return.

It's good to see the local AFN Restaurant remaining open for business. In speaking with Chief Kashkeesh several weeks ago, I impressed upon him how important it was to the local economy that the AFN remain open. Thank you for re-evaluating and keeping the restaurant open. Although business is slower than usual, it is my hope that the summer months will be more profitable to the owners and appreciated by the patrons.

I dropped in to the Engineering Office earlier in the week and was pleased to get details of the reconstruction of Highway 584 which is now underway. I hope that there are local opportunities for employment during the construction period.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Community Consultations

Nakina is winding down it's Winter Carnival weekend and this morning presented as an opportunity to address the breakfast group. To follow are some of those remarks.......

So where do we go? I have been pushing and pulling for the past 6 years to develop a clear Strategic Plan supported with a Long Term Capital Plan. I clearly recall a discussion with a another councilor who told me it would never happen and my answer to him was…if it is the will of Council, then it will happen. I am happy to say that this Council is getting much closer and dates for public meetings will be announced.

The table is being set for public ward meetings to begin the dialogue with you, the rate payers of Greenstone whether you want to talk about taxes, water / sewer, the short term goals being proposed by Council or the hot button, a new Municipal building.

Please don't disappoint yourself and those who have been working to get us to this point. Many of you signed a petition presented to Council on March 23rd that supports community and strategic planning sessions. It is not enough to have signed the petition. Now that Council has committed to these meetings (which are in the early planning stages), it is absolutely imperative that you show up at these meetings and be a part of the community planning. This is your opportunity for meaningful input and it may not come around again for a long time. Watch for more information that will be included in the Nakina Ward newsletter, internet blog (Greenstone Matters) which will be my contribution to make sure you know what's going on.

I get to do a lot of thinking on Hwy 584 going and especially coming home usually between 10 and 11 following Council meetings. While the answers continue to be debated, applauded and criticized in terms of what will bring the world out of this recession, one thing is clear. Our community has expanded to include all of us.... a global community. The loss of jobs for many of you invites those of us not directly affected, certainly to feel fortunate. Though make no mistake, all of us are feeling the pinch in varying degrees. And this is my point. If ever there was a time to demonstrate and behave as a community, it is now. We can each define ourselves by asking what is our contribution to that community and certainly in the past almost 6 years, community has meant a better understanding what are the issues facing all us in Greenstone.

And they are most similar now as every ward is hurting, and almost assuredly Longlac residents and businesses are being hardest hit. That doesn’t diminish the impact here in Nakina as people pack up and leave, but Longlac has never experienced what Nakina has gone through before and it remains to be seen if that community has the will and resilience to come back.

It’s my pleasure to acknowledge and thank all of the volunteer workers and planners of your Winter Carnival… another community tradition that has stood the test of time and weathered some stormy conditions before now. But the spirit in this little town (Nakina) is amazing.

That spirit was evident throughout the weekend watching parents and children enjoy the activities especially the mini-pops, and in the participation of the ice fishing tournament yesterday, the carnival meals and the curling to-day. Congratulations on pulling this together. I applaud your sense of community. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Community Consultation(s)

I will speak in support of engaging the public to dialogue on matters related to Strategic Planning and the 2009 budget. I understand that there is interest by some in having open dialogue at public meetings. I believe that sessions of this nature can be most valuable when there is a mutual understanding of the issues which bear on the discussion. By that, I will suggest that there must be an information component originating from Council. If for example, there is a message delivered from rate payers, that they do not want a tax increase, the same rate payers have to understand the possible consequences of that decision. Similarly, if rate payers do not want any further increases to their water / sewer costs, there is a need for them to understand the consequences of that decision. The 'killer' dialogue begins when the public begins to provide their input into what services they are prepared to have reduced.

Friday, February 13, 2009

5.59 $M for Municipal Part of Highway 584

Greenstone was successful in its recent application to the Building Canada Fund resulting in approval for $1,862,553 from the province of Ontario (and matching 1/3 contributions from the feds and municipality) which will be used to complete the section of Highway 584 which begins at the north end of Geraldton through to the new section of Highway (which begins just north of the Geraldton airport.) This road work will see new road / highway completed from the junction of 584 and Highway 11 right through to Nakina. I am very pleased with this announcement as the cost to the Municipality without the provincial and federal share of two-thirds, would have almost certainly delayed this roadwork from being done for years.

289 projects from across Ontario will proceed thanks to this federal-provincial-municipal investment of more than $1B.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Motion Strengthens Tourism Recommendations

The work over the past 4 months of the ad hoc Tourism committee, was rewarded with a supporting motion of Council on Feb. 9th. The motion:
  • recognizes the key strategies identified in the Tourism Report
  • opens the door for financial resources
  • strikes a steering committee and a chair
  • assigns staff support
  • tasks the steering committee to develop a short term contract to act on the prioritized recommendations as approved by Council
  • and invites quarterly reports from the Chair of the steering committee
Our next meeting is Monday, March 23rd to identify the chair and begin the process of prioritizing the recommendations in our report.

In 2007, tourism in Ontario directly or indirectly employed more than 300,000 workers.
Tourism revenue in 2007 was $22.1 billion or 3.4% of the province’s Gross Domestic Product, which was greater than the combined total from agriculture, forestry/logging, commercial fishing/hunting and mining.

Discovering Ontario:
A report on the future of tourism proposes four strategies to help the provincial government and the tourism industry create jobs and build the province’s economy:
Greg Sorbara, MPP for Vaughan, released a report today that lays out a 10-year plan for boosting the tourism industry by marketing Ontario as one of the world’s best places to visit.

Web-Based Marketing Presentation to Council

On February 9th, I prepared a presentation to inform and demonstrate to councillors, the underutilized opportunities that can support our local economy and that are at our immediate disposal using web-based marketing. Councillors were made more aware of information available to visitors (tourists) by accessing several commonly used web based application such as Google Earth & Google Maps. The presentation (using an internet connection, a computer, and a video projector) illustrated how sparsely populated information is respecting Greenstone and our catchment area.

Of relevance to the Municipality of Greenstone, gps data associated with providing travelers with needed information such as restaurants, accommodations, gas stations, hospitals, clinics, airports, businesses, recreational points of interests (i.e. Pallisades, boat launches, snowmobile trails, hiking trails, canoe routes, golf course, interpretive centers, parks, etc.) will enrich our presence on the many wireless handheld devices being made available and accessible through applications such as Google Earth, Mapquest, and Yahoo.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ad Hoc Tourism Report

The following report was presented to Council on February 2nd, 2009. A motion will be introduced next week to accept and adopt the report.



The Ad-hoc Tourism Committee recommends that Council adopt, by motion at the February 9, 2009 Regular Meeting, the following recommendations:

➢ THAT the Municipality of Greenstone be branded as “The Spirit of the North.”

➢ THAT the following 10 key points form the basis of improving tourism in Greenstone:

1. Promote current assets.
2. Enhance and promote the Greenstone community portal.
3. Enhance and promote recreational programming.
4. Define, develop, and grow partnerships.
5. Provide incentives for tourism.
6. Operate signature assets like we believe in them.
7. Use the cultural heritage framework that we have in Greenstone to build on.
8. Showcase local artisans.
9. Provide incentives for visitor tourism (e.g. develop a reward program for visitors) and encourage repeat visitors.
10. Where possible, revisit the business plans for some of these assets.

➢ THAT the Municipality initially concentrate on promoting hunting and fishing in the Summer months, and snowmobiling in the Winter months through the use of print and the internet:
AND THAT the local tourism partners be asked for input.

➢ THAT the following events be declared Signature Events in the Municipality of Greenstone:

o Major Golf Tournaments
o Caramat Fish Derby
o Nakina Annual Catch ‘n’ Release Bass Derby
o Geraldton Music Jamboree
o Geraldton Walleye Classic
o Geraldton Junior Walleye Classic
o Lake Nipigon Trout Hunt
o Longlac Snowmachine Drag Races
o Longlac Moosecalac
o Longlac Summerfest
o Annual Greenstone Loop Poker Rally;

AND THAT Council maintain support for the Signature Assets which support Signature Events, (e.g. the Community Portal, the Kenogamisis Golf Club, MacLeod Provincial Park, Tourist Information Centres, etc.)

➢ THAT the initial point of presence for the signature assets and events promotion, be the Manager of Leisure Services. As the partnerships are developed, the initial point of presence should be expanded.

➢ THAT Council consider changes to the organizational structure that incorporate a mechanism for developing, implementing and maintaining tourism strategies and reciprocal partnerships.

➢ THAT the role of the current recreation department be strengthened by expanding the program to include outdoor recreation, including cycling, hiking, birding, boating, hunting, golf and camping.

➢ THAT the tourism marketing and promotional potential of the Greenstone Community Portal be strengthened.

Funding Application for New Municipal Administration Building

Council has supported and given direction to initiate an application for infastructure funding that is intended to offset the construction costs of a new municipal administration building in Geraldton. At a Special Meeting of Council which focused solely on this matter, members of Council provided unanimous support for the motion which allows us to explore and determine our eligibility for infastructure funding. Through correspondence from the Director of the Superior Greenstone Board of Education, Council has been informed that B.A. Parker (as an option) is not for sale. Council is hopeful that the Municipal application would generate supporting revenue to cover 2/3 of the construction costs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Federal Budget.... Impact upon Ontario and Municipalities

Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty presented the Government’s 2009 Budget today including new and accelerated investment in municipal infrastructure, new funding for social housing construction and repairs, and an extension to Employment Insurance (EI) benefits that will reduce pressure on municipally cost-shared Ontario Works benefits.

The Budget includes additional funding for the Communities Component (municipalities less than 100,000 population) of the Building Canada Fund (BCF). The Federal Government will provide an additional $500 million over the next two years in new funding for the Communities Component – an estimated extra $195 million in federal funding in Ontario.

The government will also create a $500 million fund for recreational facilities like hockey arenas, swimming pools and community centres and provide $225-million over three years to extend broadband coverage to unserved communities.
Northern Ontario will receive $170 million over two years to secure a more sustainable and competitive forest sector;
Providing funding of $60 million to support infrastructure-related costs for local and community cultural and heritage institutions such as local theatres, libraries and small museums.
Providing a one-time federal investment of $1 billion over two years for renovations and energy retrofits for up to 200,000 social housing units on a 50–50 cost-shared basis with provinces.

Further details are available at:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Municipal Building Discussions Continue

A Special Meeting of Council will occur at 10:00 a.m. on February 2nd to more closely identify options for a new Municipal Administration building. On this matter, a tabled motion from December was withdrawn and a motion which came to Council last night, was defeated. Wanting to identify as many realistic and timely options before us, there was strong support at Council last night to recognize what many members of the public had said to us last summer, which was to explore options.

The B.A. Parker option (or not), leasing, and infastructure readiness will likely come before us as we continue the deliberations of a new Administration building.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration of Barack Obama - The Transition

What a day to witness 'History in the Making!'

I'm inspired by Obamas' commitments and persona and join the millions who want to believe. "Yes we Can." I believe this man will 'make a difference.' It feels like hope.

Can he influence the world as we know it? Yes He Can!
Can we be a part? Yes We Can!

January / February Ward Newsletter

Dear Citizens,

Effective January 1st, 2009, the Nakina Heritage Corporation has handed over the running of Nakina Kids ‘N Us to the Municipality following much deliberation and the passing by Council of the associated motion. Over the past months, the Nakina Heritage Corporation initiated and had subsequently been meeting with Council and it’s representatives, to discuss how best to fully transfer the Nakina Day Care over to the Municipality. The Nakina Heritage Corporation described to Council, the significant demands placed upon this volunteer group and the increasing complexities of administering the programs. At a meeting on January 6th, parents met with the Director of Social Services, and support staff. At that meeting, I encouraged the formation of a parent / guardian committee comprised of users and those associated with the day care delivery, whose purpose would be to encourage utilization of the facility and help enhance / influence, the effectiveness of this important social service. (This group is forming and will meet on January 21st at 6:30 at the Center.) I am looking forward to working with this emerging group and thank the members of the municipal staff who are eager to support and participate in this initiative. The current and past members of Nakina Heritage Corporation are again commended for the magnitude of this project that they lead, and to the Municipal Council who voted to accept the challenges associated with running another municipal day care and sustain this service in Nakina.

To assist in portraying an updated community profile of Greenstone on the new NOSTA website (which will launch in a few weeks), I’ve enjoyed helping to prepare and submit articles and photos to describe three ‘attractors’ associated with Greenstone. One example can be viewed at which points to the newly created “Greenstone Loop” brochure. 500 brochures were printed and are now downloadable on at least 3 related websites. Brochures have been distributed as far east as Timmins, as far west as Kenora as well as in the U.S. The personal and municipal interest is associated with representing the Municipality on the redesigned North of Superior Tourism Association website. Through our municipal membership, I expect to see value for our Municipality and also help NOSTA respond to our needs. There continues to be increased awareness of the Greenstone tourism opportunities. This will be more evident on the new site. The revised site uses a very user friendly Content Management System (CMS) that will allow for members to update and change information related to their business or organization thereby ensuring that information is current and dynamic. The difficulty sometimes experienced by businesses to change their own content has been addressed in the redesign of the website. I look forward to letting you know about its’ new features when it officially launches.

Members of Council and Senior Management participated in a revisit of Strategic Planning that ran over this past weekend. I enjoyed being able to participate and help shape the plan. I believe we were successful in identifying strategies that will better enable us to meet our short term goals / objectives that we have either already targeted or have refocused our resources on. I observed evidence of strong support from the participants to describe processes that will help ensure we remain committed to our goals and sustain the momentum. I will continue to press and attempt to influence Council and staff to refine a process that supports and better defines ‘Long Range Capital Planning,’ which I believe is an integral piece to support and implement the Strategic Plan.

On January 12th, I attended a meeting with the Director and Manager of the NorthWestern Ontario Innovation Center. Much of our discussion focused on the challenges facing our local economy and identifying opportunities where the Center can be helpful in getting people back to work. In addition to identifying financial assistance that can be provided, activities were targeted and discussed that might engage those who have lost their jobs. The Center has also been supportive of programs that will bring digital cellular phone service into our area such as through the installation of a new communications tower to be built by TBayTel along Highway 584 and located 15 km north of Geraldton. Bell Alliant has also been supported through the work at the Center to move a step closer to the rollout of high speed internet services in the Nakina / Aroland targeted for this year. More information including contacts can be made at or by calling (807) 768-6682.

The recommendations generated by the work of an ad hoc ‘Tourism’ committee over the past 4 months, will be tabled with Council in early February. Allowing for a period of consideration, a motion will follow to adopt the report which is intended to form the foundation of renewed and refocused objectives dealing with promoting and marketing municipal events and resources linked to tourism. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to facilitate discussions related to meeting tourism challenges provincially, regionally and in the Greenstone catchment area. Following the anticipated formal acceptance by Council, I plan to make the report available on this site.

The importance of our Municipal Airport in Nakina is demonstrated by the amount of traffic to the areas north of us. There is a positive impact on many local businesses tied to either delivering / receiving goods and services connected with the communities and associated activities to our north, particularly mining. Although the mining sector and related exploratory activities are also affected by the current economic climate, activity at the E.R. Ruddick Airport is very busy. An aircraft known as a Shorts Sky Van (photo left) was brought in from Yellowknife by mining companies in late December to move bulk loads north especially into the Ring of Fire. The aircraft, described affectionately by many observers as a Winnebago with wings, the whale sized cargo area swallows up to 4,500 lbs. of vital parts or up to 9 passengers plus gear. Equipment such as diamond drilling sleighs, tractors, snow blowers, and fuel tanks make up the payloads that can’t fit on many aircraft. Currently Nakina Air Service employees 35 people which I think makes them the largest single employer in Nakina. (photo right NAS hanger)

The fully functional new sand-storage shed (photo right) located opposite the E.R. Ruddick Airport, was constructed by Barino Construction (landscaping and painting will occur in the spring/summer). The facility is now housing approximately $.5 M worth of equipment whose life span and utilization will be increased through this ACAP / Municipal funded project. I enjoyed informally touring the new building with Millie and Don Bourdignon and our sector foreman, Jean Noel Chaine. (photo left)

An opportunity to support two recent requests that came to Council from Nakina Fish and Game should help the club members to grow their projects, especially the Nakina Bass Derby. Keep up the good work!

I have agreed to be a member of the negotiating team representing the Municipality in the renewal process of arriving at a new Collective Agreement between Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone and CUPE / Local 3045.

Help break up our long winters and get out of the house by participating in the upcoming 2nd Annual Greenstone Loop Poker Rally on February 7th and get down to Longlac and enjoy Moosecalac on Feb. 12-15. Details of both events are available at

Details of the Nakina Sno Club sponsored Greenstone Loop Poker Rally are provided on posters throughout Greenstone and area and are being promoted in the Times Star, CFNO, and the Greenstone Snowmobile internet site (Thank you to Stephane Parent, Al Creswell and Patrick Dzijacky for your support)

We’re getting closer to enjoying travelling over a completely redone Highway 584 scheduled for completion this fall. The uneven road surface which began to appear in late fall on Michael Power Blvd (approaching Geraldton from the south) will be addressed when the contractor returns to Greenstone to complete the contract on the 28 km of the north section of Highway 584. Council will be informed of the status of the Municipal application associated with the road reconstruction between Geraldton and Highway 584.

I’d invite you to visit regularly and bookmark a blog I’ve created at “Greenstone Matters” is a personal initiative with a purpose of creating another opportunity for the citizens of Greenstone to let me know their thoughts on matters of public / municipal interest. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine, and do not represent the positions of Greenstone or of the Greenstone Council. The ward newsletter and other personal posts will also reside at this site. You can easily comment on the posts and your participation is encouraged.


Jay Daiter, Councillor, Municipality of Greenstone
Nakina Ward

cc: Mayor Power
Nakina Ward Office

Sunday, January 18, 2009


As a personal initiative, the purpose of this blog is to create an opportunity for the citizens of Greenstone to let me know their thoughts on matters of public / municipal interest. My intent is to create a positive dialogue about the issues and opportunities within Greenstone.

Arising out of a guiding principle "that if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem," I invite your comments, ideas, and especially suggestions that will focus on "Growing Greenstone."

To that end, your thoughts which focus on the following, are welcomed:

* Describing what is done well
* Describing what improvements can be made supported with your suggestions
* Identifying issues or projects that should be evaluated
* Suggesting ideas to strengthen the local economy and strategies to reinvest in our communities

I believe in good debate to foster good decision-making. I have been and remain committed towards supporting the process of Strategic Planning and Long Term Capital Planning. I was very pleased with many of the initial outcomes of the January 16-17 Strategic Planning sessions which included Council and Senior Department heads.

This blog is intended to keep me better informed. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine, and do not represent the positions of Greenstone or of the Greenstone Council. Comments made in bad taste are not welcome and will be subject to removal. I look forward to hearing from you.


Jay Daiter