Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Community Consultation(s)

I will speak in support of engaging the public to dialogue on matters related to Strategic Planning and the 2009 budget. I understand that there is interest by some in having open dialogue at public meetings. I believe that sessions of this nature can be most valuable when there is a mutual understanding of the issues which bear on the discussion. By that, I will suggest that there must be an information component originating from Council. If for example, there is a message delivered from rate payers, that they do not want a tax increase, the same rate payers have to understand the possible consequences of that decision. Similarly, if rate payers do not want any further increases to their water / sewer costs, there is a need for them to understand the consequences of that decision. The 'killer' dialogue begins when the public begins to provide their input into what services they are prepared to have reduced.

1 comment:

  1. How's this for input - one "service" we could stand to have reduced - too many of our elected people feeling they have to attend every municipal convention - surely some of this shmoozing could be accoomplished by fewer people or by other means ie - phone - teleconference etc. Let's hear from council how you are prepared to reduce some of these travel costs.
