Friday, February 13, 2009

5.59 $M for Municipal Part of Highway 584

Greenstone was successful in its recent application to the Building Canada Fund resulting in approval for $1,862,553 from the province of Ontario (and matching 1/3 contributions from the feds and municipality) which will be used to complete the section of Highway 584 which begins at the north end of Geraldton through to the new section of Highway (which begins just north of the Geraldton airport.) This road work will see new road / highway completed from the junction of 584 and Highway 11 right through to Nakina. I am very pleased with this announcement as the cost to the Municipality without the provincial and federal share of two-thirds, would have almost certainly delayed this roadwork from being done for years.

289 projects from across Ontario will proceed thanks to this federal-provincial-municipal investment of more than $1B.

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